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English / French / Jula Dictionary
This dictionary is designed as a tool for English speakers traveling or working in West African countries where Jula (Dioula)(DYU) is spoken.
The dictionary includes a section on French and Jula pronunciation. The CD-ROM version also includes a selection of audio files which may be used to listen to the words and phrases spoken by native speakers.
The dictionary focuses on the 2,000 most commonly used words in English and French plus some additional words and phrases which should help in the West African culture.
Sources Used
- The French Alphabet
A Guide to French Pronunciation
French Grammar
Some Useful French Words and Phrases
French Medical Phrases
French Medical Questionnaire
Days of the Week
Months of the Year
Telling Time
Words Which Sound & Mean the Same in English & French
- The Jula Alphabet
A Guide to Jula Pronunciation
Jula Grammar
Some Useful Jula Words and Phrases
Jula Medical Phrases
Days of the Week
Months of the Year
Telling Time
Words Which Sound & Mean the Same in English & Jula
- English / French / Jula Dictionary
French / English / Jula Dictionary
Jula / English / French Dictionary
- The Plan of Salvation