Please pray that the Lord of the Harvest will provide laborers for HIS harvest. The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. (Matthew 9:36 - 38)


Of Your Time

Five hours of your time copying and pasting the text of a course from Word into the template we provide here on our website, will make that course available in 106 languages! We have dozens of courses completed which are awaiting a volunteer's time for this vital project. You do not need to know Spanish to do this. Contact Us.

Of Your Talent

Do you speak Spanish? We need someone to record the courses so they can be made available in audio format.

Of Your Treasure

While the impact and reach of Logos Light International is great, the site and translation work we do costs money to create and maintain. Please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry with your one-time or on-going gifts.