María Magdalena - Libre de culpa

Mary Magdalena - Free From Guilt - Spanish (Latin America)

This movie tells the story of Mary Magdalene in a new and compelling way. As one reviewer stated: ""Mary Magdalene" moved me in a way that no previous film about Christianity ever has."

Rooney Mara as Mary plays the title character with a quiet delicacy, often observant as Mary finds a place in the world and a cause in which to place her profound empathy. She was not just any spectator, so much as proof that at the core of Jesus’ teachings is a feminine influence.

"Mary Magdalene" creates a definitive, rich foundation of raw compassion, where many of its scenes rely on simply what you feel from seeing their acts of mercy. The film compels you to engage the overall story for its bizarre beauty: a radical movement, led by a man of select words, who speaks of a kingdom that is coming and is already here.

Mary has a very emotional scene in which she and Peter care for people who are dying from starvation, and the mercy that she communicates is stunning.

Mary Magdalene” is simultaneously gorgeous and eye-opening, the film uses its grace to preach about the potential of storytelling—especially when it comes from an underrepresented perspective. Davis’ movie contemplates miracles and acts of love I’d heard about during a countless amount of hours at Sunday school, but through the profoundly compassionate lens of “Mary Magdalene,” it felt as if I was learning about them for the first time.

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