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Developing A Biblical World View


In the past, what evangelistic and missions programs did your church participate in? What have you done at a local, national, and international level? Which programs were successful? Why? Which ones failed? Why?

Analyze what programs your church is presently participating in at a local, national, and international level. Which ones are successful? Why? Which ones are not successful? Why?

How are the various departments of the church involved in missions? For example, the youth, men's group, women's group, etc. How are individual families involved in missions?


What missionaries does your church presently support? Where are they located? What level of support are you providing?


Determine what percentage of your present church budget [offerings received] goes to missions or evangelism. To do this, fill in the following blanks:

The total offerings received by our church last year was $_______ Of this amount, we gave $____________to missions and evangelism. This means that _______% of our church budget went to missions and evangelism last year.


Resources include people, finances, equipment, and facilities. How are the resources of your church currently being used in behalf of missions and evangelism?


Offer a class on "Developing A Biblical World View" using this manual as your study guide. During the class, share what you have learned about the present status of missions and evangelism in your church. From those who take the class, select key men and women who grasp the Biblical world view. These people should be excited about evangelism and willing to become vitally and actively involved.