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Developing A Biblical World View

In Genesis 3:15, the "bruising" and "crushing" refers to a great battle going on in the spirit world. It is a battle for the heart, mind, soul, and spirit of man. There is no neutral stand in this battle. All men are divided into two opposing sides. Jesus said:

He that is not with me is against me. . . (Luke 11:33)

To develop a Biblical world view we must understand these basic facts:

1. We must realize all men live not only in the natural world, but also in a spiritual world.

2. The conflict that rages in the spiritual world affects the natural world in which we live. Satan is at work in the spiritual world and we can actually see it in the natural world in evil deeds committed by men and nations.

3. There is no neutral ground in this great spiritual battle. We are either for Jesus or against Him. If we are for Him, we believe all that is taught in God's Word and act upon this knowledge. If we do not believe the Word of God and continue to live in our own selfish and sinful ways, we are against Him.