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Developing A Biblical World View

The reason for their sorrow is that they did not accept Jesus. They rejected Him and lived in their own sinful ways. Now, they face a time of great suffering on earth. The Bible tells of this terrible time called the "tribulation" which will occur after believers have been raptured to be with Jesus:

-The tribulation will last for 42 months or 1,260 days (Daniel 9:24-27).

-It will be a very difficult time. There have been many difficult times in the world, but three things will distinguish the tribulation from all other times of trouble.

First: It will be worldwide and not just local (Revelation 3:10).

Second: People will realize that the end of the world is near (Revelation 6:16).

Third: The intensity of the trouble will be greater than ever before experienced (Matthew 24:4-14).

There are a series of judgments of God on the earth during the tribulation. These are described in Revelation chapters 6, 8, 9, and 16 and Matthew 24:4-14. The judgments fall on all men and women who have rejected Jesus Christ.


The Bible tells of a period of 1,000 years after the tribulation during which Jesus will rule the earth in righteousness (Zechariah 14:9; Daniel 7:14). The city of Jerusalem will be the center of government (Isaiah 2:3). This period will end when Satan stages a last revolt against God (Revelation 20:7-9). God will send fire from Heaven and end all opposition. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity (Revelation 20:10).


Those who died as unbelievers will be resurrected from the dead to face judgment. Because they did not repent from sin and accept Jesus as Savior, they will be condemned to eternity in Hell (Revelation 20:12-15). True believers who repented from sin and accepted Jesus as Savior will spend eternity in Heaven in the presence of God (Revelation 21).


The Bible speaks of the world being destroyed with fervent heat:

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night: in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. (II Peter 3:10)