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Developing A Biblical World View


1. Study more about what God has revealed concerning the end of the world:

-Study the books of Daniel and Revelation

-Study Matthew 24

-Study I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and II Peter 3:10

2. The book of Revelation deals with the end of the world and the climax of God's plan for the nations. In previous lessons you studied the "world in the Word" throughout the entire Bible with the exception of the book of Revelation.

The book of Revelation contains the final references on this subject. The following verses are the last specific references in the Bible to the nations of the world:

-Jesus is prince of the kings of the earth: 1:5

-The coming of Jesus to earth: 1:7

-Promises to believers of all nations: 2:26; 3:10

-The final preaching and harvesting of the nations of the world: 14:6-7, 15-19

-The end of the world: 10:5-6; 11:15; 13:8; 17:8

-Descriptions of the new Heaven and earth and events occurring therein: 5:9-10,13; 7:9-11; 15:4; chapters 21 and 22 (specific references to nations in 21:24,26; 22:2)