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Developing A Biblical World View

6. The five major unreached groups are: Tribal, Muslim, Hindu, Chinese, and Buddhist.

7. A closed country is one where they no longer accept missionaries from other nations and, in many cases, have passed laws governing the religion of their people. In some nations it is against the law to convert people to Christianity.

8. The statement is true.


1. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen YOU, and ordained YOU, that YE should go and bring forth fruit, and that YOUR fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, He may give it you. (John 15:16)

2. World Christians is a group composed of people of many races, cultures, languages, and religious denominations. The one thing they have in common is their personal commitment to become a World Christian.

3. The early church reached the world by the process of multiplication described in II Timothy 2:2. Each believer was reproductive and each home was a center of evangelism.

4. This question requires your signature of commitment.


1. ...For mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. (Isaiah 56:7)

2. An intercessor is a mediator on behalf of another. We intercede for the nations by praying for them. This explains the term international intercession. When we intercede we seek God on behalf of others. We present petitions to Him on behalf of the nations of the world.

3. Steps for training others as international intercessors: First: Communicate the Biblical world view.

Second: Study this chapter together, following the guidelines for the prayer plan and establishing a prayer manual. Third: Organize a prayer group for international intercession. This will assure continued dedication to this important ministry.

4. If your answer is yes, then you have successfully achieved the objective of this chapter.

5. If your answer is yes, then you have successfully achieved the objective of this chapter.