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Developing A Biblical World View

People began to come together with those to whom they could talk. They organized in groups or tribes of people speaking the same language. As these groups grew, they moved to different areas of the world. Then these "people groups" became divided from one another not only because of language, but because of geographic conditions. Great mountains and seas eventually separated them.

Eventually, these separated groups began to develop different ways of doing things. They developed distinct cultures and customs. They also developed various religions and worshiped different gods.

Over a period of time, these groups grew into great masses of people who organized into nations. They set geographic boundaries for their territories, and political and legal systems to govern their residents. This is how the world came to be divided into many nations with differing languages, cultures, and customs.


The world today consists of seven major land masses surrounded by water. These land masses are called continents. The names of the continents are North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Antarctica.

Each of these continents is divided into various nations composed of different people groups. Each nation has its own government and legal system for controlling what occurs within its boundaries.

Within the nations there are other divisions. The nation may be divided into states or provinces. People within nations are also divided into many tribes and people groups. Many people of our divided world have never heard the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. They do not know about the one true God. They do not have God's written Word in their own language.