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Developing A Biblical World View

Jesus was not speaking of the natural harvest in the fields stretched before them at the moment

He spoke these words. He was speaking of a spiritual harvest. Jesus used the example of the natural harvest to give His followers a spiritual vision of the world.

On another occasion, Jesus clearly stated:

The field is the world. . . (Matthew 13:38)

Africa, Asia, Australia, North America, South America, Europe, the islands of the sea. . . these are all seen by God as a great harvest field. As God views the harvest field of the world, He also sees a great need:

. . . The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. (Matthew 9:37)

God sees a great spiritual harvest ready to be gathered. But there are few laborers at work. You will learn more about this great need for workers later in this course.*


  • The Harvestime International Institute course, "Strategies For Spiritual Harvest," provides further teaching

on this natural parallel of spiritual truth.