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Developing A Biblical World View


Isaiah is an excellent example of the emphasis on God's plan for the world which is revealed in the books of the prophets:

Isaiah 17:12-13; 24:5-6;: Describes the condition of the world before God.

Isaiah 40:12; 42:5; 44:24; 45:8,12,18; 48:13: Exalts God as Creator of heaven and earth.

Isaiah 14:12: Reveals Satan as the enemy of the nations.

Isaiah 37:20, 64:4: Stress the purpose and greatness of God's plan for the world.

Isaiah 65:17; 66:22: Reveal God's future plan for the world.

Isaiah 40:15: God's view of the nations.

Isaiah 45:22; 51:6: The appeal goes to the nations to look to God for salvation.

Isaiah 43:8-12: Israel was God's witness among the nations.

Isaiah 52:13-15: The servant mentioned in this passage is Jesus. He would suffer for the redemption of the world. The kings of the Gentile or heathen nations would hear the Gospel in astonishment. Christ's death was to be for all peoples and nations of the earth. His Gospel was to be proclaimed to all regions of the world.

Isaiah 54:1-5: The "seed" here means Israel's spiritual seed, including Gentile believers who would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. The appeal to "enlarge your dwelling" meant to expand to receive children of God from among the heathen.

Isaiah 42:1-10: God would deal mercifully with the nations. He would not give up, no matter how trying or how long the time before they would respond. Many of the "isles" referred to by Isaiah still wait for His law. Verse six speaks of the Savior through whom the redeemed of all nations shall be bound together.

Isaiah 49:6-12: The restoration of Israel was a small thing compared to God's great purpose in the world. His purpose was that the whole earth would come to know and worship Him in spirit and truth.