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Developing A Biblical World View

From these sample passages you can see it is impossible to analyze all the prophets teach about the plan of God for the world in this limited space. In the "For Further Study" section of this chapter you will find all the references about the world from the Old Testament prophets to permit you to continue this study.


The Old Testament ends with the book of Malachi. The New Testament begins with the book of Matthew. In the next chapter you will begin study of the Biblical world view as it is reflected in the New Testament.

In the Old Testament, God's plan was to use Israel to draw all nations to Himself. By living a life in the presence and fear of God, they were to draw nations like a great magnet to Jerusalem and to the Lord.

In the New Testament, after Israel's rejection of Jesus, a new group of people is raised up. That group is known as the Church which is composed of all born-again believers. Through the Church, God now is at work to reveal Himself to the world.

But the method is different. In the Old Testament, the nations were to come to Jerusalem to learn of the Lord. In the New Testament, the Church is sent out from Jerusalem to the nations.