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Developing A Biblical World View


I'll always remember a tagline from a commercial for an oil change company:

"Some people want to change the world. We just want to change your oil."

Well, OK then. But I want to change the world, and if you're like me, you feel you have the tools, but don't know how to use them.

This course explains how to expand the vision you have received by sharing with others what you have learned. You will learn how to train laborers for spiritual harvest who will be able to train others also:

And the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. (II Timothy 2:2)

This continuing cycle of training is called "multiplying" because it multiplies the spiritual labor force.

Developing a Biblical world view is basic to spiritual multiplication. Having a Biblical world view means you see the world on the basis of what is revealed about it in the Bible. You do not look at the world as politicians, economists, or educators. You do not view the world in terms of your own culture. Instead, you view the world as God sees it. You begin to understand it from His perspective. To "develop" means to acquire something or to expand knowledge in a certain area. This course will expand your knowledge of the world in which you live for the purpose of multiplying spiritual laborers.

This course explains the "world view" revealed in the Bible, the written Word of God. It traces the subject from the book of Genesis through Revelation. It explains God's plan for the nations of the world from the beginning through the end of what we call "time." This course presents the believer's responsibility to the nations by introducing the challenge to become a "World Christian."

This course of 11 lessons discusses current global spiritual conditions, stressing the urgent need to spread the Gospel to unreached people groups of the world. The lessons also focus on the responsibility of the Church in the world and you will begin to see the world as God sees it. But as faith without works is dead (James 2:26), a Biblical world view without personal involvement is also not effective. This course will challenge you to become more than a mere spectator with a Biblical world view. You will be motivated to become a participator who is an active part of what God is doing in the world today.