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Developing A Biblical World View

The Household Of God: Ephesians 2:19

The Flock Of God: John 10:1-29; I Peter 5:3-4; Hebrews 13:20; Acts 20:28

The Church Of God: Acts 20:28; I Corinthians 1:2; 10:32; 11:22; 15:9; I Timothy 3:5; I Thessalonians 2:14

The Church Of The Living God: I Timothy 3:15

The Church Of Christ: Romans 16:16

The Church Of The Firstborn: Hebrews 12:23

The Church Of The Saints: I Corinthians 14:33


The church has several important functions which include worship, fellowship, and ministry to human need. But the primary purpose for its existence is spreading of the Gospel. Simply stated, the main purpose of the Church is to fulfill the Great Commission.

Satan attacked the mission of the early Church in many ways. He tried to prevent the spread of the Gospel through persecution, doctrinal error, and sin. These are still his tactics today. But there was another threat to the purpose of the Church: The preoccupation of its leaders with good and important works almost changed the central focus Christ intended. Study Acts 4. There were many necessary good works to be done, but the leaders were doing them and neglecting God's Word and prayer.

Human need is very great. Jesus said the needy would be with us always. The Church can seek to meet human need and it should be a vital, caring community as it was in New Testament times. But the purpose of the Church does not rest in meeting physical, social, or material needs. Its priority is spreading the Gospel. The Church can minister to other needs, but should combine such efforts with a powerful presentation of the Gospel message.

A good example is found in Romans 9 and 10. The Apostle Paul was aware of the economic needs of the Jewish nation. He also was aware of the political tyranny of Rome over the people, yet it is clear that his major concern for the people was spiritual. His concern for Israel was that they should be saved (Romans 10:1). The mission of the Church is to make the Gospel known so God can be faithfully served by all men.