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Developing A Biblical World View


There are millions of villages of the world that have not yet felt the pressure of a missionary's footstep. There are people living in these areas who have never had the opportunity to hear the message of salvation. They are a part of the world. We have not yet reached all the world geographically.


The linguistic spread of the Gospel refers to written translation of its message into various languages. The Bible is God's message for all mankind. The most effective means of communication in any culture is the native language which is commonly spoken.

It is estimated that there are 7,000 languages spoken in the world today. Many still need the Bible translated into their own language. These people have never had the opportunity to read God's message to them in His written Word. We have not yet reached the world linguistically.


Not only have we not yet reached the whole world geographically and linguistically, we have yet to reach all the population of the world.

At the time of our Lord's presence on earth, the world population was estimated to be 250 million people. This number barely doubled by the year 1600. It is estimated that from the time of Adam until 1500 years after the birth of Jesus, the world population increased to 500 million. From 1500 to 1850, the population increased to one billion. By 1850 the population had doubled again. Today, there are billions of human beings on earth.

Even in great cities where many churches exist, many people have not yet heard about Jesus. We have not reached all the world in terms of population because millions of people have never heard the Gospel message.