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Developing A Biblical World View




Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:

• Write the Key Verse from memory. • Define the term "World Christian." • Become a "World Christian." • Explain the strategy the early Church used to reach the world with the Gospel.


Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen YOU, and ordained YOU, that YE should go forth and bring forth fruit, and that YOUR fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, He may give it you. (John 15:16)


In the previous chapter you learned of the responsibility of the Church in reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As an individual believer, YOU are part of the corporate body of Jesus Christ known as the Church. If the Church is to fulfill its mission in the world, then each member must recognize their part in God's plan. YOU have a personal responsibility for the world. That responsibility goes beyond donating a few dollars to the church missionary offering each month.

This chapter concerns your personal responsibility to the world. You will learn how to become a World Christian. You will move from being a spectator to a participator in God's plan for the nations.


When Jesus said "Go Ye into all the world and preach the Gospel" and "YE shall be my witnesses," He was talking to a group of His followers. But as with every group, this group was made up of individuals. When Jesus said "Go Ye," it had not only a group reference, but also an individual reference. Each member of the group was to accept the challenge personally. If the individuals within the group failed to respond, then the group would fail. The challenge to go to the nations of the world is now assumed by the Church. But the Church is made up of individuals and it will only be effective in meeting this challenge as each person personally responds to the Great Commission.