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Developing A Biblical World View


1. Write the Key Verse from memory.



2. What is a World Christian?



3. Summarize the strategy of the early church which enabled them to reach the world with the Gospel.



4. The greatest test of this chapter is your commitment to become a World Christian. Review the World Christian Commitment below. If you understand this pledge and are committed to fulfilling it to the best of your ability, then sign your name in the place provided.

"By the grace of God and for His glory, I commit my entire life to obeying the commission of Matthew 28:18-20, wherever and however God leads me, giving priority to those peoples currently beyond the reach of the Gospel (Romans 15:20-21). I will also endeavor to share this vision with others."

Signature:__________________________ Date:_________________

(Answers to tests are provided at the conclusion of the final chapter in this manual.)