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Developing A Biblical World View

-His values were eternal rather than temporal: Acts 7:5.

-He was willing to stand alone: Isaiah 51:2.

-He was a man of spiritual vision: Hebrews 11:10.

-He knew God intimately: Abraham was called the "friend of God." James 2:23.

-He was a man of hope: Romans 4:18.

-He was strong in the faith: Romans 4:20.

-He was righteous: Romans 4:22.

-He was humble: Romans 4:20.

-He was a man of peace: Genesis 13.

-Abraham was prompt to do God's will: Even when God's will was difficult, Abraham promptly responded (Genesis 22).

-He gave glory to God: Genesis 14:21-24.

-He reproduced men of like dedication: This is seen in the life of his servant (Genesis 24).

-He was blessed in all things: Genesis 24:1.