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Developing A Biblical World View

-The work of medical and social missions. This would include the work of relief and aid ministries. These are agencies combining medical and physical assistance with spreading the Gospel.

-Missionary aviation organizations, dedicated pilots flying missionaries and supplies to various regions of the world.

-The work among immigrants and refugees of the world.

-The binding of spiritual powers of Satan that are influencing nations and regions. That such powers exist is illustrated by the prince that had power over Persia in the time of Daniel. These powers explain why some nations are more receptive to the Gospel than others. Certain spirits are active in various regions, and until believers intercede these regions are not receptive to the Gospel.


Focus your prayer on a specific continent or country. There are several agencies which can provide specific information on various areas, agencies, and people groups which will help you pray more specifically. See the "For Further Study" section of this chapter.

Here are some specific things to pray about for each nation:

-Current events. You can keep aware of specific prayer needs by observing current news events in the nation or by keeping in contact with Christian workers there.

-The churches of the nation.

-Those laboring in the spiritual harvest fields of this nation. This would include those planting churches, national workers, training institutes, missionaries, Bible translators, etc.

-All believers in this nation.

-Unreached peoples of the nation.

-Binding the powers of Satan operating in this nation; those forces which would come against the spread of the Gospel or close the nation to evangelism efforts.

-In every society, there are basically seven areas which shape the thinking of individuals and the destiny of the nation. These are the home and family, the church, education, arts and entertainment, media, government, and business. Intercede for the leaders and the spiritual condition in these categories.