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Creative Bible Study

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Here are three steps to study a book of the Bible:


Read the entire book at one sitting to identify the theme (subject) of the book. Choose a title that summarizes the theme. You will use this title on the Book Study Chart. This will also become the title of your outline.

Determine the purpose for which the book was written, to whom it was written, and the author. Some books state the name of the author but for the names of others you will need to consult an outside Bible study resource.* Each author had a special reason for writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This purpose is usually reflected in the content of the book.

Determine the geographic setting of the book. This is where the events occurred. Record this on the Book Study Chart.

Summarize the basic life and ministry principle in one sentence. This is the basic truth of the book which is applicable to your life or ministry. There are many principles taught in a single book, but try to determine the most important for this summary statement.

Remember, the chapter divisions in the Bible are not divinely inspired. They were made by man for ease in locating specific passages in the Bible. When you read the entire book without chapter divisions you are reviewing the message as it was originally given.

In this first reading do not be concerned with details. Survey the book for general information: Theme, author, purpose, to whom, geographic setting, and basic life and ministry principle. Read quickly to gain an overview of the entire book. Do not stop and analyze what you are reading. You will do that later.