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Creative Bible Study

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Several examples of types are given in this section which you may use to do a typological Bible study. There is a study form at the end of this section to use in doing typological studies.

1. Study Isaac as a type of Jesus Christ. (Genesis 21-28)

Some things to watch for: Isaac was an only begotten son and he was willing to be sacrificed on a mountain. He also chose a bride, Rebekah.

2. Study Rebekah as a type of the church which is the bride of Christ. (Genesis 24)

She had to be qualified by belonging to the family of Abraham, she had to make her own choice as to whether to come to Isaac, and she had to leave her former surroundings. After her long journey she saw Isaac face to face.

3. Study Noah's ark as a type of salvation. (Genesis 6-8).

Note that the penalty of sin was death. The flood is a type of the judgment of God. The provision of safety in the ark was planned exactly, there was only one door, and there was adequate room for all. The ark was covered with pitch to keep out the water. The word "pitch" comes from a Hebrew word meaning "to cover.” The same word is translated "atonement" in other portions of the Old Testament. How is this a type of salvation through Jesus Christ?

4. Study the wanderings of Israel recorded in Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

I Corinthians 10:11 states that ". . . all these things happened unto them for examples; and they are written for our admonition." Leaving Egypt is a type of leaving sin. Wandering in the wilderness is a type of the life of a carnal Christian who is controlled by his own selfish will and fleshly desires. He does not deny God, but refuses to enter into God's perfect plan for his life. Study the failures of Israel in the wilderness. I Corinthians 10 points out that their failures have a spiritual significance. If we are not careful, we can fail after their example.

5. Use the following reference guide to help you identify and study other Biblical types. This is only a partial list of the many types used in the Bible.