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Creative Bible Study
The methods of creative Bible study discussed in this course were those which provide the greatest spiritual benefits in terms of application to life and ministry. Several additional Bible study methods are described in this Appendix. While these methods are interesting and will expand your knowledge of the Bible, they are not as applicable to Christian living as those previously explained. For this reason we have provided only a brief description of these methods.
The political method studies matters related to the politics of nations in the Bible. It provides understanding of the governments of nations in which Biblical events occurred. To do such a study you must identify:
I. The type of government: For example, is it a dictatorship or a constitutional government?
II. Philosophy of government: Is it a democratic philosophy or otherwise?
III. Geography of government:
A. Area governed. B. Organization of subdivisions. C. Seats of government. D. Influence of geography on the government.
IV. Leaders in government.
V. Functions of government.
A. Administration. B. Public finance. C. War and international relations. D. Judicial affairs.
VI. Influence of religious groups on government.
VII. How this government affected the Biblical events which you are studying.