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Creative Bible Study
9. The Captivity (587-538 B.C.):
In spite of the warnings of the prophets, Judah finally went deeper into sin until God let them be conquered by Nebuchadnezzar and taken captive into Babylon. The city of Jerusalem was destroyed and the people of God, who a few hundred years before had miraculous crossed the Jordan River, now marched away in chains.
10. The Restoration (538-391 B.C.):
When a king by the name of Cyrus became leader of Babylon, he permitted God's people to return and rebuild Jerusalem and their temple of worship. Zerubbabel led the group who returned to reestablish themselves in the promised land. The records of this period are found in the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. This period of restoration lasted for 147 years.
Between the Testaments (391-5 B.C.)
The Old Testament closes with the reestablishment of God's people, Israel, in Canaan. Then came a period of about 400 years between the Old and New Testaments. There were no Bible books written during this period so information on the time comes from secular writings.
During this time Palestine was ruled by the Persians (536-333 B.C.), the Greeks (333-323 B.C.), the Egyptians (323-204 B.C.), the Syrians (204-165 B.C.), the Maccabeans (165-63 B.C.), and Rome (63 B.C. through the time of Christ).
11. Life of Christ (5 B.C. to 28 A.D.):
After 400 years, John the Baptist was raised up by God to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus was to be the Savior of sinful mankind. The promise of this plan of salvation was first made in the garden of Eden when man originally sinned (Genesis 3:15). Jesus was miraculously born of a virgin, revealed Himself to Israel as the Messiah, was rejected, crucified for the sins of all mankind, and resurrected by the power of God. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John record this period of 33 years.
12. The spread Of The Gospel (28-100 A.D.):
This period covers the events after Christ’s return to Heaven following His resurrection. It records the spread of the Gospel from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria, and throughout the world,