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What Christians Believe
The Articles of Faith


One way that we judge the truth of facts is by looking at what different witnesses have to say. The more witnesses that point to the truth of an idea, the more likely we are to believe it. Well, the same thing is true in theology. As we try to determine what we should believe, it helps to know what other people throughout history have believed, as well as what people in the modern world believe. And when it comes to the Apostles' Creed, its doctrinal statements have always been affirmed by most Christians in most places.

We will explore the universal nature of the articles of faith in the Apostles' Creed in three historical periods. First, we will see that these beliefs are grounded in the New Testament. Second, we will see that they have been affirmed by most Christians throughout church history. And third, we will look at the ways they continue to characterize the church in the present. Let's begin with the New Testament, and its consistent affirmation of these doctrines.