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The Old Soldiers Reunion
September 5 & 6, 1889

September 5th and 6th had been looked forward to by many of our citizens with considerable interest, and the members of the GAR particularly took lively interest in the meeting of the Chickasaw County Veteran Association.  The weather was all that could be desired and everything was ready for a grand time.

The meeting on the 5th was not as large as the "boys" expected, but the exercises were interesting and all seemed to enjoy themselves.  General M.L. SHERMAN, who was commander of the Association, worked like the hero he is, to make the meeting a success, has good right to feel proud of the results of his labors.  As a presiding officer General SHERMAN has few equals, and always succeeds in keeping a meeting lively.

At 9 o’clock on Thursday the association met in regular session and from that time until final adjournment there was music, speeches, stories, incidents, reminiscences, songs and recitations.

On Friday morning the Fayette Drum Corps, led by Major BURGESS, put in an appearance and discoursed music to which these old veterans have marched in the past many a weary mile.  Commander C.H. SMITH was present and addressed the veterans, putting down some good solid points relative to GAR matters, and suggesting many things which will be remembered in the future.

Colonel SWEENEY came early and was under orders all the time, having something to say whenever called upon, and winning golden opinions from all who heard him.  Captain Tom GRAHAM, of Winneshiek County, can sing and talk as well as fight, and every time he was called out had something to say, which was pat to the occasion.  Captain E.J. WISER was called out and said: "Boys, I was able to stop a piece of shell at one time; at another time I impeded the progress of a bullet, while on another occasion I succeeded in stopping a minnie-ball; but I have never been able to make a speech."

Frank DANE was called for and responded in a neat little speech. Having recently participated in a bull-and-run-fight, he was immediately accorded the right to the Jerico post office and a small pension.  J.F. GRAWE responded to the sentiment, “The Loyal Women of War Times,” in a happy speech of a few minutes, which showed thought upon the subject.

The address of welcome by Dr MIXER was a fine effort and very many took occasion to speak highly of it, as they did of the response by Attorney BILLINGS of Nashua.  The meeting in Opera Hall, Friday afternoon was said to have been a good one and we cannot refrain from congratulating the veterans on the success of the meeting and the fine entertainment they gave those who were so fortunate as to get a seat.

The following are the names of the old soldiers who registered as members of the Chickasaw County Veteran Association at the reunion:

ANDERSON, O.A. Co D, 3rd Iowa Infantry
ANNETT, John Co A, 95th New York Infantry
APPLEBURY, Frank Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
BABCOCK, Amos Co F, 38th Iowa Infantry
BAILEY, Henry H. Co E, 7th Ohio Infantry
BAKER, G.A. New York Cavalry
BALDWIN, J.E. Co F, 12th Ohio Cavalry
BALL, Jonathan Co A, 192nd Ohio Infantry
BECKNER, J.M. Co A, 27th Iowa Infantry
BELDEN, Elias C. Co I, 147th Illinois
BELL, E.D. Co I, 8th Ohio Infantry
BEMENT, Albert Co D, 143rd New York Infantry
BENEDICT, Myron Riley Co F, 9th Iowa Infantry
BILLINGS, Burton A. Co B, 46th Iowa Infantry
BOWEN, Roxey Co C, 2nd Illinois Heavy Artillery
BRAW, S.M. Co A, 11th Illinois Infantry
BRAY, Andrew J. Co H, 4th Iowa Cavalry
BROOKINS, Franklin Wilson Co D, 4th Wisconsin Cavalry
BROWN, C.C. Co K, 1st New York Vol Cavalry
BRYANT, Z.Z. Co B, 7TH Iowa Infantry
BUTCHER, F.J. Co H, 38th Iowa Infantry
BYERS, Samuel W. Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
CABLE, Wm. Co G, 42nd Illinois Infantry
CAMPBELL, D.L. Co B, 7th Iowa Infantry
CARPENTER, Harry B. Co E, 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry
CARTER, Benjamin C. Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
CASE, William, Jr Co B, 13th US Infantry Iowa
CASWELL, Charles A. Co F, 13th Illinois Infantry
CHURCHILL, Elias Anderson Co B, 14th Iowa Infantry
CLAUSE, O.H. Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
CONKLIN, Henry A. Co F, 6th Michigan Infantry
COOK, W.H. Co C, 8th PA and Co I, 58th PA
CROFOOT, W. Co D, 15th Iowa Infantry
DAVIS, C.H. Co H, 9th Iowa Infantry
DAVIS, J. Co A, 38th Iowa Infantry
DAVISON, L.B. Co D, 38th Iowa Infantry
DELLENBECK, C.H. Co D, 8th Michigan Infantry
DIXON, J.W. Co A, 1st US Infantry
DUNBAR, J.P. Co G, 7th New Hampshire Infantry
DURSTON, Edmund W. Co G, 42nd Wisconsin Infantry
DYER, H.A. Co C, 21st Iowa Infantry
EASTLAND, Elbert F. Co G, 13th Iowa Infantry
EASTMAN, H.C. Co G, 96th Illinois Infantry
ELLIS, James Co B, 22nd New York Cavalry
ELLISON, Joseph Co B, 2nd Minnesota Infantry
ENIGER, N. Co K, 42nd Illinois Infantry
EVERINGHAM, Wm. Co I, 9th Iowa Infantry
FAIRBANKS, J. Co M, 4th Iowa Cavalry
FEATHER, John Co I, 38th Iowa Infantry
FELCHER, John C. Co G, 27th Iowa Infantry
FLEMING, William A. Co A, 44th Wisconsin Infantry
FORD, George W. Co I, 9th Iowa Infantry
FORRY, A.E. Co E, 12th Ohio Infantry and 5th Indiana
FREEVORT, H. Co I, 6th New York
GABEL, John Blank
GABRILSEN, Conrad L. Co I, 24th Wisconsin Infantry
GARVER, John Blank
GARY, Noble Eluathian Co C, 26th Iowa Infantry
GODFREY, E.D. Co C, 9th Iowa Infantry
GOULD, W.A. Co D, 13th Wisconsin
GRAHAM, T. Captain Co F, 2nd Wisconsin
GRAWE, J.F. Blank
GREGORY, W.G. 8th Illinois Cavalry
GROVE, A.T. Co H, 27th Wisconsin
GROVE, P.T. Co D, 7th Wisconsin
HARRIS, Adin B. Co H, 4th Iowa Cavalry
HARTWELL, Samuel Willard Co H, 32nd Iowa Infantry
HICKOK, Charles B. Co G, 27th Iowa Infantry
HOPKINS, H.H. Co I, 11th Wisconsin
HOWE, J.W. Co K, 15th West Virginia
HOWE, LaFayette Co E, 1st Minnesota Infantry
HOYT, L.R.J. Co I, 44th Iowa
HUGHES, K. 7th Wisconsin
HUGHES, Simon Co I, 9th Iowa Infantry
JEFFORDS, Ed 25th Wisconsin
JOHNSON, Henry Cornelius Co D, 82nd Illinois Infantry
JOHNSTON, Wm. Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
KING, David H. Co L, 1st Iowa Cavalry
KRONIGER, Henry J. Co C, 22nd Wisconsin Infantry
KUHN, Fred Co D, 9th Wisconsin
LAWRENCE, A.G. Co K, 3rd Iowa Infantry
LEE, Leander N. Co F, 38th Iowa Infantry
LEGGE, Otis Co A, 2nd Iowa Cavalry
MANCHESTER, G. Co A, 13th Iowa
MARCH, William E. Co E, 32nd Iowa Infantry
MARINGER, Nicholas Co G, 16th Iowa Infantry
MARTIN, Seth Co H, 4th Iowa Cavalry
MAXFIELD, John B. Co I, 1st Vermont Cavalry
McKAY, Cyrus Co D, 3rd Iowa
McKEE, A.W. Co H, 114th Illinois
MEAD, S.P. Co E, 5th Iowa
MEYERS, John Co B, 21st Iowa
MILLER, Charles B. Co G, 47th Wisconsin
MILLER, Darius Co G, 12th Iowa Cavalry
MILLS, Robert H. Co B, 7th Iowa Infantry
MILLS, William W. Co B, 7th Iowa Infantry
MITCHELL, T.W. Co K, 6th Wisconsin
MIXER, H.M. Surgeon, USN
MORSE, George Co H, 4th Iowa Cavalry
MULLEN, Chris Co F, 15th Wisconsin
MUNSON, Halvar Co A, 1st Dakota Cavalry
PALMER, D. Co D, 2nd Wisconsin
PARKER, Benjamin Co G, 27th Iowa Infantry
PARKER, Wm. H. Co B, 36th Wisconsin
PARSONS, Jacob H. Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
PAYNE, S.S. Co B, 64th New York
PEPIN, C.M. Co I, 38th Iowa Infantry
PERRIN, William Burton 3rd Vermont Light Artillery
PETERSON, S.A. Co I, 4th Illinois Cavalry
PHIENE, B. Co G, 27th Iowa
PIEHM, F. Co D, 58th Illinois
POND, Henry A. Co L, 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery
POTTER, Lester F. Co F, 142nd New York
POWERS, J.H. Captain Co I, 9th Iowa
RANSOM, C.M. Co K, 15th Illinois
RANSOM, Caleb S. Co I, 34th Illinois
REFSNIDER, Wm. Co G, 27th Iowa
REISER, Gustav Co G, 38th Iowa Infantry
ROWLEY, A.O. Co H, 4th Iowa Cavalry
ROWLEY, A.O. Major 19th Wisconsin
SCHRACK, David Co E, 12th Iowa Infantry
SEWELL, Joseph Co K, 96th Illinois
SHERMAN, C.W. Co C, 38th Iowa
SHERMAN, Milo L. Co I, 52nd Illinois Infantry
SHIRK, John J. Co K, 14th Illinois Cavalry
SHOPE, Francis R. Co D, 45th Pennsylvania Infantry
SMITH, C.P. 4th Minnesota
SMITH, Charles H. Co F, 4th Iowa Cavalry
SMOUSE, John Co G, 44th Ohio Infantry
SNYDER, James Wesley Co K, 16th Wisconsin Infantry
SPEARS, N.H. Co C, 12th Iowa
SPEICHER, Lewis Co F, 6th Iowa Cavalry
SPENCER, Romanzo D. Co H, 4th Iowa Cavalry
SPRINGER, C. Co C, 57th Illinois
STOCKS, George Wm Co I, 3rd Iowa Infantry
STONE, W.H. Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
STOWE, George E. Co L, 1st Wisconsin
STOWERS, John Co B, 13th Iowa Infantry
SWEENEY, J.H. Co K, 27th Iowa
SWIFT, S. Co B, 74th Illinois
THOMPSON, George Blank
TROUTNER, Jon F. Co K, 3rd Iowa Infantry
TROY, Samuel S. Captain Co H, 4th Iowa Cavalry
TYLER, C.E. Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
VAN KLEECK, D. Co G, 9th Iowa Infantry
WARNER, J.M. Co H, 10th Massachusetts
WATTS, Isaac Co K, 95th Illinois Infantry
WATTS, Joseph B. Co I, 52nd Illinois Infantry
WEISER, E.J. Captain Co D, 3rd Iowa
WERNER, Charles J. Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
WHEELER, Allen Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
WHITE, Elisha C. Co I, 9th Iowa Infantry
WILLIAMS, Thomas Whiting Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
WILLIAMSON, S.T. Co B, 117th Illinois
WING, Henry J. Co C, 44TH Wisconsin Infantry
WISE, G.W. Co G, 35th Iowa and 1st Iowa
WOOD, Samuel A. Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
WRIGHT, John G. Co C, 38th Iowa Infantry
YEARLING, Philip K. 151st Pennsylvania and Co B, 3rd Iowa Artillery

The New Hampton Courier
Date: 12 Sep 1889