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The Disciples of Jesus


-Also known as Nathanael.
-His original occupation is unknown.
-He was from Cana of Galilee: John 21:2.
Only one passage tells much about him: John 1:45-51.
-Philip brought him to Christ: 45.
-He was originally a prejudiced man: 46.
-He was without guile: 47.
-He was a sincere seeker: 48.
-His statement of faith: 49.
-He received special insight into the Lord's power: 50-51.
-He ministered in Armenia--now Turkey & Iran.
-Historical records indicate that he was martyred.
-Scriptural references to Bartholomew:
Matthew 10:3
Mark 3:18
Luke 6:14
John 1:45-49
John 21:2
Acts 1:13



Adapted from Commands of Jesus by Harvestime International.