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The Disciples of Jesus


Also known as:
-Didymus, which is Greek word for a twin.
-Judas Thomas.
-His original occupation is unknown.
-He was totally committed to Jesus: John 11:16.
-He wanted to follow Jesus wherever He went: John 14:5.
-He struggled with doubt: John 20:24-29.
-He was part of the fishing party after Christ's death: John 21:2.
-He ministered in Parthia, Persia, India.
-Historical records indicate that he was martyred.
-Scriptural references to Thomas:
Matthew 10:3
Mark 3:18
Luke 6:15
John 11:16
John 14:5
John 20:24-29
John 21:2
Acts 1:13



Adapted from The Disciples of Jesus by Harvestime International.