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Questions - Ezra Chapter 8

1. Who was king when Ezra went to Jerusalem?

2. Who had permission from the king to go to Jerusalem?

3. The release of the _________ is as important as the accepting the Lord as ___________.

4. What does the small number of the family of Adonikam in this journey reveal to us?

5. Where did they gather, and set up their tents for three days?

6. When Ezra viewed the people, he discovered there were no _______.

7. The river, in verse 15, flowed into what large river?

8. How far was this first stop from Babylon?

9. How many Levites had gone with Zerubbabel?

10. Who did Ezra send to Iddo to get Levites and Nethinims?

11. Why did Ezra want them?

12. How many came, mentioned in verse 18?

13. How many Nethinims came?

14. What was their job in the temple?

15. Why did Ezra proclaim a fast?

16. Why had he not asked for a Persian escort?

17. What did Ezra do for safety of the valuables they were carrying?

18. What was the value of the gold alone, not including the vessels?

19. The silver and gold were a __________ offering unto the LORD.

20. What would they do with the treasures, when they made it to Jerusalem?

21. How long did they rest in Jerusalem?

22. Who took care of the gold and silver in the temple?

23. Those who made the second trip made ___________ offerings.

24. Who did they make the offerings for?

25. What happened when Ezra showed the documents from the king to the lieutenants?

Every Christian should have a ministry. Agree/disagree? Give biblical support.

Men should be the leaders in the church and at home. Agree/ disagree? Give biblical support.

How can we know when it is proper or when it is wrong to use human means in addition to trusting God? In light of Luke 16:10-13, why is financial integrity a big deal?

What does it mean to glory (boast) in the cross of Christ (Gal. 6:14)? How can we do this as individuals and as a church?
