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Ezra 9 - Commentary

We will begin this lesson in Ezra 9:1

It appears, that the time between when Zerubbabel had brought the people to Jerusalem in the first return to their homeland, and until this return led by Ezra, there had been very little government. It was bad enough for the people of Israel to break God's law and marry the heathens around them, but it was even worse that the priests and leaders were involved in this, as well. All of those listed, above, were people forbidden for the Hebrews to marry. These were the very people that God had removed out of the land when He gave it to Israel.

Ezra 9:2

They were doing what was right in their own sight, and forgetting the teachings of the law of God. The sad thing was they were about to commit the very same sins, that caused them to be driven out by God before. These strange wives, or husbands, would bring in their abominations to worship in Judah.

Ezra 9:3

Ezra was overwhelmed with grief, when he saw the extent of the sins they had committed. The renting of the clothes, show a deep mourning. Plucking out the hairs on his head and beard was an extreme show of shame and mourning for what the people had done. Sometimes, the head was shaved in grief, but this was so evil an act upon their part, that he actually tore out his hair by the roots.

Ezra 9:4

It appears, that they did not know of this being a sin, or else thought the law did not apply to them. Now that Ezra had shown such terrible grief in this matter, it had frightened those who understand the magnitude of what they had done. Ezra was in a state of shock all day long.

Ezra 9:5

When Ezra stopped to pray at the evening sacrifice, he fell to his knees before the LORD with both hands extended to Him.

Ezra 9:6

Ezra was being ashamed for all of the people. They were so deep in sin themselves, they were not even ashamed. Ezra remembered why Israel and Judah went into captivity. He knew these people had done enough to deserve to die. This was the beginning of a prayer for them.

Ezra 9:7

Ezra knew that the captivity of Israel and Judah had been a punishment from God for their sinful ways. God had turned them over to the various kings. The sins of their fathers and grandfathers were the same sins they were involved in now. They did not learn a thing from the captivity in Babylon. He was explaining that they deserved all of their difficulties for their sins.

Ezra 9:8

God always left a remnant, because they were His people, and He loved them. They had come back into the land, just a small portion of the great company of people who had originally come from Egypt. God had, once again, granted them grace to begin again, and now, they were sinning again, as they had before.

Ezra 9:9

This was an amazing thing how God had extended mercy to them again. It was almost unexplainable why the Persian kings had suddenly decided to let them return to their homeland. It was even more unexplainable, why they would give all the gold and silver to rebuild the temple. The only answer was that God put this in their hearts to do. Ezra is in essence saying, God has done all of this for us to give us a new start, how can we fail him by sinning again?

Ezra 9:10

There was nothing left for Ezra to say, except to repent for all of the people. He admitted guilt for all the people.

Ezra 9:11

God had warned them of the sinfulness of the people. He had run out to give the land to the Hebrews. The corruption of the nations around them and of Canaan, which they had overthrown, had been common knowledge to them from the beginning. They seemed to never learn. The abominations of the heathens were their downfall.

Ezra 9:12

God had forbidden intermarriage with these people. God's law had not changed. They were still obligated to keep God's commandments not to intermarry. They had done exactly what God had forbidden them to do.

Ezra 9:13

Ezra realized as bad as the punishment had been, when they had lost their homeland and gone into captivity, it was not as bad as what they deserved. They all deserved to die.

Ezra 9:14

Ezra was aware that God is a loving God. He was, also, aware that He was just in His judgements. He feared that the punishment this time would be death for everyone. Ezra felt they should expect death for these terrible sins they had committed.

Ezra 9:15

God is full of mercy. His righteousness was from generation to generation, but so was His mercy. There was no way they could stand and face God with these sins not atoned for.

Additional Resources for Chapter 9
