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Ezra 10 - Commentary

We will begin this lesson in Ezra 10:1

The people saw the grief of Ezra, and heard his prayer to God to forgive them. Now, many of the people had realized the seriousness of what they had done, and they, too, began to weep. It seemed this was not just the men who were disturbed by this, but all of the people.

Ezra 10:2

It appears, that Shechaniah believed there was hope for the LORD to forgive them, because they had repentant hearts.

Ezra 10:3

This would be a drastic move on their part, since some of these people had children by the heathen wives, or husbands, they had. They were willing to make a covenant with God, that they would divorce the wives that were not Hebrews, and even give up their children that were born of them.

Ezra 10:4

Ezra had already said to let judgement come upon those who would not obey God's law. This would be an effort to make things right. Ezra believed this might be enough repentance of what they had done, to keep the LORD from killing them.

Ezra 10:5

The only way this would work, would be if everyone participated. Everyone, including the priests, Levites, and the people had to swear they would all do this, to get back in right standing with God.

Ezra 10:6

This fast was of a personal nature. He was not eating, because he was still grieving. Johanan was grandson of the high priest and would assign a chamber to Ezra. This was a total fast.

Ezra 10:7

The divorcement of the heathen wives, husbands, and children had to be done throughout the land, so proclamation was sent for the people to gather in Jerusalem.

Ezra 10:8

This left them no choice, but to come. The furthest settlements from Jerusalem were no more than 40 miles, so it would be fairly easy for them to come within the three days allowed. The consequences were so great if they did not come, that all came.

Ezra 10:9

This would have been about December the 12th on our calendar. The month would have been Chisleu on their calendar. This is the rainy season in Judah. Perhaps, that is what is meant by the great rain.

Ezra 10:10

Ezra had been put in a place of great authority by the Persian king. He, now, used that authority to speak to the people about what they must do. He was speaking to them as a spiritual leader, when he informed them of their transgressions.

Ezra 10:11

It would be of no use to rid themselves of their heathen wives, if they did not realize in their hearts that they must do this, because they had sinned. The first step to being forgiven is to confess the sin.

Ezra 10:12

Once they were made aware of their sins, they agreed to make it right. They would be divorced from the heathen.

Ezra 10:13

It appears, that a large percentage of the population had committed this sin. It was the rainy season, and hard to move this many people. They were explaining it would take some time to implement this.

Ezra 10:14

It appears, there was some sort of ceremony that took place to release the people from this marriage. It was a reverse wedding, I suppose.

Ezra 10:15

The dissolving of the marriages was handled by Jonathan and Jahaziah. Meshullam and Shabbethai were their helpers. This could mean they issued them bills of divorcements.

Ezra 10:16

This took until January on our calendar, there were so many of them. On the twelfth of January, Ezra and the chiefs of the fathers checked to make sure they had completed the work.

Ezra 10:17

We see that it was not until April 1st on our calendar, that they finally had finished issuing the divorces.

Ezra 10:18-19

It appears, that 4 of the high priest's sons had taken these heathen wives. The "giving of their hands" meant they made solemn pledges accompanied by handshakes. This meant they agreed they would do this, and gave their word on it. The sacrifices were for them, and for others, who had committed this same sin.

Ezra 10:20-22

The above names are lists of the families of the priests who took the strange women to wife.

Ezra 10:23

These are Levites, who were not priests.

Ezra 10:24

These were, also, in the service of the LORD in the temple, but were singers and porters. They were Levites with specified service.

Ezra 10:25-43

This was a very long list of just ordinary people, who had taken heathen wives. We can see the widespread sin that was in the land.

Ezra 10:44

This would make the divorces more difficult, when there were children born to them, by their heathen wives.

Additional Resources for Chapter 10
