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Outline of Ezra

  • First Return from Exile and Rebuilding of the Temple (chs. 1-6)
    • First Return of the Exiles (ch. 1)
      1. The edict of Cyrus (1:1-4)
      2. The return under Sheshbazzar (1:5-11)
    • List of Returning Exiles (ch. 2)
    • Revival of Temple Worship (ch. 3)
      1. The rebuilding of the altar (3:1-3)
      2. The Feast of Tabernacles (3:4-6)
      3. The beginning of temple reconstruction (3:7-13)
    • Opposition to Rebuilding (4:1-23)
      1. Opposition during the reign of Cyrus (4:1-5)
      2. Opposition during the reign of Xerxes (4:6)
      3. Opposition during the reign of Artaxerxes (4:7-23)
    • Completion of the Temple (4:24;6:22)
      1. Resumption of work under Darius (4:24)
      2. A new beginning inspired by Haggai and Zechariah (5:1-2)
      3. Intervention of the governor, Tattenai (5:3-5)
      4. Report to Darius (5:6-17)
      5. Search for the decree of Cyrus (6:1-5)
      6. Darius's order for the rebuilding of the temple (6:6-12)
      7. Completion of the temple (6:13-15)
      8. Dedication of the temple (6:16-18)
      9. Celebration of Passover (6:19-22)
  • Ezra's Return and Reforms (chs. 7-10)
    • Ezra's Return to Jerusalem (chs. 7-8)
      1. Introduction (7:1-10)
      2. The authorization by Artaxerxes (7:11-26)
      3. Ezra's doxology (7:27-28)
      4. List of those returning with Ezra (8:1-14)
      5. The search for Levites (8:15-20)
      6. Prayer and fasting (8:21-23)
      7. The assignment of the sacred articles (8:24-30)
      8. The journey and arrival in Jerusalem (8:31-36)
    • Ezra's Reforms (chs. 9-10)
      1. The offense of mixed marriages (9:1-5)
      2. Ezra's confession and prayer (9:6-15)
      3. The people's response (10:1-4)
      4. The calling of a public assembly (10:5-15)
      5. Investigation of the offenders (10:16-17)
      6. The list of offenders (10:18-43)
      7. The dissolution of mixed marriages (10:44)

  • From the NIV Study Bible, Introductions to the Books of the Bible, Ezra Copyright 2002 © Zondervan. All rights reserved. Used with permission.