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Ezra Chapter 3 Questions

1. When did the children of Israel come to gather in Jerusalem?

2. What was the 7th month on their calendar?

3. What month is that on our calendar?

4. What special event had gone on during this month in times past?

5. _________ was acting high priest.

6. Who was high priest, when the temple had been destroyed?

7. Who had led the people home from Babylon?

8. Who built the altar?

9. It was built for what?

10. What was the altar set upon?

11. The nations around them worshipped ________ ______.

12. Quote Exodus chapter 29 verses 38 and 39.

13. What Feast did they keep?

14. What is this re-establishing?

15. The "continual burnt offering" is speaking of what?

16. What other thing did they observe, mentioned in verse 5?

17. How did the freewill offering differ from the other offerings?

18. When did the worship begin in earnest?

19. Who did they give money to for their work?

20. What did they give for the cedar trees?

21. When did they begin work on the temple?

22. Who was overseeing this whole thing?

23. What did the priests do?

24. Who was called into service to work on the temple?

25. Zif on their calendar is compared to our _______.

26. Who was Kadmiel?

27. Who blew the trumpets in celebration of the foundation being laid?

28. Who struck the cymbals?

29. Asaph's family was in charge of what?

30. Quote Ezra chapter 3 verse 11.

31. Who cried over the foundation being laid?

How can a person keep a new beginning with God from fizzling out?

What sustains it over the long haul?

How can we determine which aspects of worship are merely cultural and which are biblically essential?

How can we determine which commands in the Bible are absolute and which are culturally relative? (Gender roles, head coverings for women, modest clothing, etc.)

Jonathan Edwards argued that true religion consists largely in “holy affections” (emotions). Is this so? How can we know whether our emotions are holy or just due to our personalities?

What can the older believers learn from the young (and vice versa)? To what extent should one side cater to the other?

Sources: Restore