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James 1:1-8


1. In verses 2-4, James talks about our response to difficulties in our life. First, he states that the appropriate response is joy – joy in what? If one has the right perspective on difficulties, what will the difficulties do? Is the end result of difficulties meant for this world, the next world, or both? Is the testing of our faith to see if we will pass or not?

2. Practically, do you think it is possible to develop the positive characteristics of persistence, maturity, and humility, WITHOUT going through difficulties? Are difficulties necessary for growth? What else leads to a similar type of growth?

3. In your experience, HOW do difficulties build endurance and maturity? For you, do difficulties always have positive implications or do they sometimes have negative implications? When? Why?

4. Think of a difficulty you have been through recently (or are currently going through). Are you joyful in it? If yes, what helps you have this perspective? If no, what is keeping your from this perspective?

5. Verse 5 nicely illustrates the integration of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 7:7a “Ask and it will be given to you” and Proverbs (2:6a “The Lord gives wisdom”). The Greek word “wisdom” here is the ability to make good judgments and to speak the right words – effectively applying Christian principles to real world situations. We receive this wisdom by asking for it. The Greek word “ask” here is a present imperative verb, meaning it is not “ask once”, but “continually ask”. Is wisdom something you ask God for? Do you continually ask? Why would God want us to continually ask?

6. Verses 6-8 encourage asking in single-minded faith and suggests that if we have doubt, we will not receive wisdom. What exactly is single-minded faith here? What exactly is doubt here?

Sources: Bauckham, R. (1999). James; Dictionary of the later NT and developments (1997); Johnson, L. T. (2004). Brother of Jesus, friend of God: Studies in the letter of James; Keller, T. (1995). Benefits of facing trouble (sermon); McCartney, D. (2009). James; Moo, D. (2015). James; Samra, J. (2016). James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude; Selvaggio, A. (2008). The 24/7 Christian: Practical help from the book of James; The Bible Project (2016)