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John 7

1. Whose doctrine was Jesus preaching?

2. Who are those who will know this doctrine?

3. Just knowing the letter of the law is not enough, who must they know?

4. If you memorized the Bible, it would do you no good, unless you did what else?

5. Who is the theme of the Bible?

6. He who speaks of himself seeks what?

7. The message of any minister is good, if it originates where?

8. Who does Jesus say to give glory to?

9. Who gave them the law?

10. What question did Jesus ask of them, if they didn't keep the law themselves?

11. What did they accuse Jesus of having?

12. What did they marvel at in verse 21?

13. They thought Moses gave them circumcision, but where did it really come from?

14. What did Jesus tell them to judge not according to?

15. How were they to judge?

16. What day must a male Hebrew baby be circumcised?

17. If the day fell on sabbath, what must they do?

18. In verse 25, some from Jerusalem said what?

19. Do the rulers know, indeed, that this is ___________________ _____________________________?

20. Why was it so hard for them to believe this was Christ?

21. What were they expecting the Messiah to be like?

22. Who did Jesus say He came from?

23. Why did they not take Jesus now?

24. Some believed and said what?