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John 12

1. How long before Passover did Jesus come to Bethany?

2. Who had Jesus raised from the dead at Bethany?

3. Where had Jesus gone when He left the last time?

4. Whose home was Jesus in?

5. How far is Bethany from Jerusalem?

6. Who actually served Jesus?

7. Some believe this Simon was whose husband?

8. How much ointment did Mary pour on Jesus?

9. If you put all four gospels' account together, what two places did she put the ointment?

10. What did she wipe the ointment with?

11. Who complained about Mary putting this expensive ointment on Jesus?

12. How much did he say the ointment could have been sold for?

13. How much was a pence?

14. Why had he complained, really?

15. How long did Jesus say the poor would be with us?

16. What two reasons had the people come for?

17. Why did the Jews want to get rid of Lazarus?

18. What did the people take with them to strew the path of Jesus with?

19. What did the Pharisees think would happen, if they could get rid of Jesus and Lazarus?

20. What do palm trees symbolize?

21. What was the cry of the people?

22. What did Jesus ride on going into Jerusalem?

23. What Sunday did Jesus enter Jerusalem?

24. Where was it prophesied in the Old Testament that Jesus would ride the colt of an ass?

25. When did the disciples remember all of this?

26. Who bear record of all this?

27. Why did these people follow Jesus?