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John 14

1. Quote verse 1 of chapter 14.

2. What does the word let tell us about verse 1?

3. What does chapter 1 of John show us about Jesus?

4. What does chapter 14 bring hope of?

5. What is the most used Scripture in the Bible at funerals?

6. What state of mind were the disciples in when Jesus spoke verse 1 of chapter 14?

7. Faith is the opposite of __________________________.

8. What we are, issues from our ____________________________.

9. Jesus knows the disciples believe God, but what is Jesus' concern?

10. In whose house are many mansions?

11. What will Jesus be doing in heaven?

12. What is He to the Christian besides our intercessor?

13. What will all Christians be (whether male or female) to Jesus?

14. When He prepares the place and the Father says it is time, what will Jesus do?

15. What should all Christians be eagerly awaiting?

16. Who was one of the first martyred for Jesus?

17. Where is he now?

18. "And whither I go ye know, and the __________________________ ye know."

19. Who said to Jesus, "...we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?"?

20. Who was a skeptic?

21. What three things did Jesus tell Thomas He was?

22. In I Thessalonians chapter 4, what do we read that we call the rapture?

23. Where do we read that the curtain separating us from God the Father was torn from the top down?

24. Jesus said, if we knew Him, we should know whom, also?

25. Who asked Jesus to show him the Father?

26. What does Colossians 2:9 tell us about Jesus?

27. How does Jesus answer Philip?

28. In verse 10, what is Jesus trying to make perfectly clear?