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John 20

1. Why did Jesus tell Mary not to touch Him?

2. What was she to tell the disciples?

3. Where are the two kinds of bodies found?

4. Which Mary was this talking about?

5. What did Mary tell the disciples?

6. Who does the Lord send with His message?

7. What day of the week does Jesus appear to the disciples?

8. Why were the disciples hidden?

9. What did Jesus say to them?

10. What did Jesus show the disciples that made them believe?

11. Jesus says, as my Father sent me ___________________________.

12. When Jesus breathed on them, what did He say to them?

13. In verse 23, what power did Jesus give them?

14. How can Jesus' disciples do miracles?

15. Who was called Didymus?

16. What did he say he would have to see before he would believe?

17. Without ______________________________ it is impossible to please God.

18. How many days later did Jesus appear to Thomas?

19. What did Jesus say to Thomas?

20. What two names did Thomas call Jesus?

21. Why did Jesus say Thomas believed?

22. Who is even more blessed that believe?

23. What is faith in Hebrews chapter 11?

24. Why were these signs written?

25. What must we believe?