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1. What features of John have struck you in the past as unique? Are there any passages in particular in John which resonate with you? (Say, any favorite stories found only there?)

2. John obviously carefully selected the material he shares in his Gospel (Jn 21:25, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written”). What, if anything can you infer from the context in which John wrote—i.e., why did he include what he included, and emphasize what he emphasized? (For example, why did John choose to begin his gospel with a philosophical reflection rather than an infancy narrative?)

3. Concerning John's view of the Body of Christ—his ecclesiology—Brown writes (Churches, 94), “The first and greatest strength [of John's message] comes from the fact that an individual relationship to Jesus on the part of church members is a necessary component of a sound ecclesiology.” Brown summarizes the view of the Body by various NT authors as:

The Pastorals: Members of a church should have the sense that they are receiving careful pastoral supervision and trustworthy Christian doctrine.

Acts: In moments of crisis, members of a church should have a sense of continuity with a past history in which crises have been survived through the intervention of the Spirit, and with a future history which (even if unknown) lies within God’s plan for the evangelization of the world.

I Peter: Members should have a sense of their dignity that accrues from belonging to the church and of their identity as the people of God.

Colossians/Ephesians: Members should have a sense that the church is more than its human components because it is the body of Christ sharing in his holiness.

John: Disciples of Jesus need to abide in him to bear fruit and retain eternal life; and when facing trouble, they each have the Comforter to guide them.

What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of John’s view of the Church?

4. Read Jn 1:1-18 and Gen 1:1-2:3. What themes appear in both accounts? Why do you think the author may have wanted to make this comparison?

5. See the accompanying quotes from the gospels of Matthew and John regarding the Son of Man. What does the Son of Man do in each? What does he have done to him? Compare and contrast these in content and style.

Source: (The Bible Project, 2016)