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John Chapter 1 Outline

1) Prologue hymn (1-18)

John begins with a three-stanza poem thought to be the words to an ancient Christian hymn. The first stanza related the Word to God, the second to the creation, and the third to the world. Like Hebrews, this book begins by establishing Jesus’ attributes and credentials. This poem deliberately parallels the initial wording, the creation, and the light/dark dichotomy of Genesis.

2) John the Baptist (19-34)

a) A delegation from the Sanhedrin interviewed John the Baptist.

b) He denied being the Christ, the Prophet or Elijah.

c) He said instead that he is Isaiah’s voice crying in the wilderness (Is 40:3).

d) He is self-consciously the forerunner of someone great.

e) John dubs Jesus the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (Is 53:7).

f) John Baptizes with water in order that Jesus might be revealed to Israel.

g) John receives word from God that the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit is the one upon whom the Spirit will rest.

h) John declares as a result that Jesus is the Son of God.

3) Calling of the first disciples (35-51)

a) Andrew and Simon

i) Two of John the Baptist’s disciples (Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother) swap allegiance and follow Jesus.

ii) Andrew understood John the Baptist to be announcing the Christ, so he found his brother Peter and told him.

iii) Jesus renames Simon, Andrew’s brother, Peter (Cephas).

b) Philip and Nathaniel

i) Jesus personally calls Philip to follow him.

ii) Philip went and told Nathaniel that he had found

(1) The one Moses wrote about,
(2) The one the prophets foretold.

iii) Nate expressed doubt that the Messiah would come from Nazareth.

iv) Philip took Nathaniel to see Jesus.

v) Jesus says Nathaniel is a true Israelite, and that he saw him sitting under the fig tree.

vi) Nate declares him the son of God.