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New Testament Survey

B. Prayer for Philippians: Philippians 1:3-11
1. His thanksgiving for them: Philippians 1:3-5
a. Motivation for thanksgiving: Philippians 1:3
b. Expression of thanksgiving: Philippians 1:4
c. Cause for thanksgiving: Philippians 1:5
2. His confidence in them: Philippians 1:6-7
a. The nature of the confidence: Philippians 1:6
b. The justification for this confidence: Philippians 1:7
3. His longing: Philippians 1:8
4. His prayer for them: Philippians 1:9-11
a. That love may abound in knowledge and judgment: Philippians 1:9
b. That you may approve things that are excellent: Philippians 1:10
c. That you may be sincere and without offense: Philippians 1:10
d. That you will be filled with the fruit of righteousness: Philippians 1:11
C. Personal matters: Philippians 1:12-26
1. Events which have served to spread the Gospel: Philippians 1:12-18
a. Imprisonment: Philippians 1:12-14
b. Preaching: Philippians 1:15-18
c. Prayer: Philippians 1:19
2. Questioning as to whether it is best to live or die: Philippians 1:19-26
a. The contrast of life and death: Philippians 1:20-21
b. The appeal of life: Philippians 1:22
c. The competing desire for death: Philippians 1:23-24
d. Assurance for a longer life: Philippians 1:25-26

II. Exhortations for unity Philippians 1:27-2:18

A. Appeal for unity in suffering: Philippians 1:27-30
1. Proper conversation: Philippians 1:27
2. Stand fast in one spirit with one mind: Philippians 1:27
3. Striving together for the faith of the Gospel: Philippians 1:27
4. In nothing terrified by your adversaries: Philippians 1:28-30
B. Unity in Christ: Philippians 2:1-11
l. Through proper conduct: Philippians 2:1-4
a. Love: Philippians 2:1-2
b. Fellowship: Philippians 2:1
c. Mercy: Philippians 2:1
d. One accord: Philippians 2:2
e. One mind: Philippians 2:2
f. Nothing done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind esteem others: Philippians 2:3
g. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others: Philippians 2:4