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New Testament Survey


1. Study the key words rejoice and joy. They appear a total of 18 times in this book.

2. Here is another way to study Philippians:

 ChapterKey VerseTheme
 121The believer's life
 25The believer's mind
 310The believer's goal
 413The believer's strength

3. The church at Philippi was founded as a result of a vision experienced by Paul. Read about this in Acts 16:8-10.

4. Philippians describes one of two kinds of peace mentioned in the Bible. Peace with God experienced by all believers is mentioned in Romans 5:1. Peace of God available to all believers is mentioned in Philippians 4:7.

5. God worked marvelously in the lives of three individuals in the Church at Philippi:

-A Greek soothsayer: Acts 16:16-18
-A businesswoman: 16:13-15
-A Roman jailer: Acts 16:19-20

6. Note the objectives of Paul in chapter 3:

-That I may gain: Philippians 3:8
-That I may know: Philippians 3:10
-That I may attain: Philippians 3:11
-That I may apprehend: Philippians 3:12

7. List Paul's worldly qualifications: Philippians 3:8-12

8. Read Philippians 1:12-21. List the different ways in which the Gospel was advanced.

9. List the virtues mentioned in Philippians 4:8-9.