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New Testament Survey

B. The new life: Colossians 2:11-14
1. Circumcision of the heart: Colossians 2:11
2. Buried with Him in baptism: Colossians 2:12
3. Risen with Him through faith: Colossians 2:12
4. Quickened together with Him: Colossians 2:13
5. All trespasses forgiven: Colossians 2:13
6. Eliminating the ordinances against us: Colossians 2:14
C. Conqueror of principalities and power: Colossians 2:15
1. Spoiled them: Colossians 2:15
2. Made a show of them openly: Colossians 2:15
3. Triumphing over them: Colossians 2:15
D. Practices denying Christ's lordship: Colossians 2:16-3:4
1. Ritual: Colossians 2:16-17
a. Meat: Colossians 2:16
b. Drink: Colossians 2:16
c. Holy days: Colossians 2:16
d. New moon: Colossians 2:16
e. Sabbath days: Colossians 2:16
2. Angel worship: A person who practices this is: Colossians 2:18-19
a. Intruding into those things which he hath not seen: Colossians 2:18
b. Vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind: Colossians 2:18
c. Not holding Christ as the Head: Colossians 2:19
(1) From which the body has nourishment.
(2) By whom we are knit together in love.
(3) By whom we increase with the increase of God.
3. Subject to rudiments of the world: Colossians 2:20-23
a. We are not to be subject to them: Colossians 2:20
b. What they concern: Colossians 2:21
c. The commandments and doctrines of men: Colossians 2:22
d. They are an outward show: Colossians 2:23
(1) Of wisdom in will worship.
(2) Of humility.
(3) Of neglecting the body.
(4) Not in any honor to the satisfying of the flesh.
4. Worldly, temporal affections: Colossians 3:1-4
a. Seek those things above: Colossians 3:1
b. Set your affections on things above, not on this earth: Colossians 3:2
c. This is possible because of your union with Jesus: Colossians 3:3
(1) Past: Ye were raised with Christ: Colossians 3:3
(2) Present: Your life is hid with Christ in God: Colossians 3:3
(3) Future: When Christ shall appear, then shall ye also appear

with Him in glory: Colossians 3:4