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New Testament Survey
F. Special situations: Colossians 3:18-4:6
1. Home: Colossians 3:18-21
a. Wives: Colossians 3:18
b. Husbands: Colossians 3:19
c. Children: Colossians 3:20
d. Fathers: Colossians 3:21
2. Work relationships: Colossians 3:22; 4:1
a. Obey your masters: Colossians 3:22
b. Serve as unto Christ: Colossians 3:22
c. Masters are to give servants that which is just and equal: Colossians 4:1
3. General guidelines: Colossians 3:23-25
a. Do all as unto the Lord and not unto men: Colossians 3:23
b. Recognize that you serve the Lord and from Him you will receive
your reward: Colossians 3:24
- c. Understand that those who do wrong will receive justice from
God: Colossians 3:25
VI. Final instructions: Colossians 4:2-6
A. Duty of prayer: Colossians 4:2-4
1. Responsibility to continue in prayer: Colossians 4:2
2. To watch with thanksgiving: Colossians 4:2
3. To pray for open doors for those spreading the Gospel: Colossians 4:3-4
B. Duty of witness: Colossians 4:5-6
1. Proper walk in wisdom: Colossians 4:5
2. Proper use of time: Colossians 4:5
3. Proper speech: Colossians 4:6
a. With grace.
b. Seasoned with salt.
c. With knowledge of how to answer every man.
VII. Closing: Colossians 4:7-18
A. Personal greetings: Colossians 4:7-17
1. The bearers of the letter: Colossians 4:7-9
a. Tychicus: Colossians 4:7-8
b. Onesimus: Colossians 4:9
2. Greetings from his companions: Colossians 4:10-14
3. Salutations to the Laodiceans and command to have the epistle read
there also: Colossians 4:15-16
- 4. A special message to Arcippus: Colossians 4:17