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New Testament Survey


1. Study Colossians 3:2-17. Make a list of the things believers should "put off" and the things they should "put on" in their spiritual lives.

2. Study Colossians 3:18-25. This passages speaks to different members of the church. List the commands given to wives, husbands, children, fathers, and servants.

3. The book of Colossians teaches many things about Jesus. Read through the book and list each verse which refers to Jesus and then summarize what you learn about Him from each verse.

4. Colossians is one of two New Testament epistles with a command for the church to exchange and read the letters before various local assemblies. Compare Colossians 4:16 with I Thessalonians 5:27.

5. Colossians and Ephesians are related. In Ephesians Paul discusses the Body of Christ, the Church. In Colossians he writes of the Head of that Body, Jesus Christ. A total of 78 out of the 95 verses in Colossians are nearly identical to verses in Ephesians. Study and compare these two books.

6. Read Colossians 1:12-22. There are seven important aspects of salvation mentioned here:

-Inheritance: Partakers of the inheritance of saints in light: Colossians 1:12
-Deliverance: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness: Colossians 1:13
-Translation: And hath translated us into the Kingdom of the Son of His

love: Colossians 1:13

-Redemption: In whom we have redemption through His blood: Colossians 1:14
-Forgiveness: Even the forgiveness of sins: Colossians 1:14
-Reconciliation: And you hath He reconciled: Colossians 1:21
-Transfiguration: To present you holy and unblameable in His sight: Colossians 1:22