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New Testament Survey

c. The subjects of the judgment: II Thessalonians 1:8
(1) Those that know not God.
(2) Those that obey not the Gospel of the Lord Jesus.
3. The consequences of God's righteous judgment: II Thessalonians 1:9-10
a. Eternal punishment of the lost: II Thessalonians 1:9
b. Glorification of the saints: II Thessalonians 1:10
C. Prayer for the believers: II Thessalonians 1:11-12
1. The content of the prayer: II Thessalonians 1:11
a. That God would count you worthy of this calling: II Thessalonians 1:11
b. That God will fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness: II Thessalonians 1:11
c. That God will fulfill the work of faith with power: II Thessalonians 1:11
2. The purpose of the prayer: That the name of Jesus may be glorified in

you and you in Him: II Thessalonians 1:12

III. Caution regarding the time of Christ's return: II Thessalonians 2:1-17

A. Paul's concern: II Thessalonians 2:1-2
l. His concern is about the coming of the day of the Lord: II Thessalonians 2:1
2. Attitudes prohibited: II Thessalonians 2:2
a. Being shaken in mind.
b. Being troubled in spirit, word, or letter.
c. Believing that it has already happened.
B. Signs of the end: II Thessalonians 2:3-12
1. A great falling away: II Thessalonians 2:3
2. The man of sin (antichrist) is revealed: II Thessalonians 2:3-6
a. He opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God:

II Thessalonians 2:4

b. He will sit as God in the temple: II Thessalonians 2:4
c. He will claim to be God: II Thessalonians 2:4
d. He will be revealed in his time: II Thessalonians 2:5-6
3. He already is at work in the world, but will not be revealed until the

Holy Spirit is removed: II Thessalonians 2:7-8

4. His destiny: II Thessalonians 2:8
a. The Lord will consume him with the spirit of His mouth: II Thessalonians 2:8
b. The Lord will destroy him with the brightness of His coming: II Thessalonians 2:8
5. Signs by which to recognize the antichrist: II Thessalonians 2:9-12
a. He will come after the working of Satan: II Thessalonians 2:9
b. He will have power, signs, and lying wonders: II Thessalonians 2:9
c. He will deceive with unrighteousness them that perish because

they received not the truth unto salvation: II Thessalonians 2:10

d. He will cause strong delusions: II Thessalonians 2:11
e. He will bring to damnation those who: II Thessalonians 2:12
(1) Believed not the truth.
(2) Had pleasure in unrighteousness.