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New Testament Survey


1. Thessalonians contains one of the New Testament's two most extended passages on the coming of the antichrist. (See II Thessalonians 2:1-12 and Revelation 13:1-8.)

2. The church at Thessalonica was founded by Paul during his second missionary journey. (See Acts 17:1-10.)

3. No other book in the Bible gives as much attention to the rapture (catching up) of the Church as does I Thessalonians. The event is referred to in each of its five chapters. (See I Thessalonians 1:10; 2:19; 3:13; 4:13-18; 5:1-11,23.) Make a summarizing list about what you learn concerning the coming of the Lord.

4. Note the things that must happen before Christ's final return:

 -A falling away of believers:II Thessalonians 2:3
 -Man of sin (antichrist) revealed:II Thessalonians 2:3
 -The Holy Spirit removed from the world:II Thessalonians 2:7
 -Strong delusion (deception):II Thessalonians 2:11

5. In I Thessalonians chapters 4 and 5 there are several truths about those "who have fallen asleep" and those "who are alive and remain." List what you observe about each of these.

6. In II Thessalonians Paul addresses several problems which need correction. Make a list of these and note the instructions or commands related to each problem addressed.

7. In II Thessalonians Paul also praises the Thessalonians and encourages them about things they are doing well. List these exhortations.

8. According to II Thessalonians, what will happen to those who do not obey the Gospel?

9. Key words in I Thessalonians: Gospel, faith, love, hope, Lord Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit, affliction (tribulation, suffering), day of the Lord.

10. Key words in II Thessalonians: Affliction, suffering, coming of Jesus, God, Spirit, glory, man of lawlessness, undisciplined (unruly), day of the Lord, truth.