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New Testament Survey

7. Read Matthew 23 and list at least 10 commandments for Christian leaders.

8. Study the following Old Testament references related to Matthew 21:1-17: Zechariah 9:9; II Kings 9:13; Exodus 30:13; Psalms 118:26; Leviticus 1:14; Isaiah 56:7; Jeremiah 7:11; Psalms 8:2

9. Study the following key words in Matthew: Kingdom, Heaven, Kingdom of Heaven,

10. Study the prayers of Jesus:

-At His baptism:Luke 3:21
-In a solitary place:Mark 1:35
-In the wilderness:Luke 5:16
-All night before choosing the disciples:Luke 6:12
-Before His invitation, "Come unto Me":Matthew 11:25-27
-At the feeding of the 5,000:John 6:11
-After the feeding of the 5,000:Matthew 14:23
-When He gave the Lord's prayer:Luke 11:1-4
-At Caesarea-Philippi:Luke 9:18
-Before His transfiguration:Luke 9:28-29
-For little children:Matthew 19:13
-Before the raising of Lazarus from the dead:John 11:41-42
-In the temple:John 12:27-28
-At the supper:Matthew 26:26-27
-For Peter:Luke 22:32
-For the disciples and His future followers:John 17
-In Gethsemane:Matthew 26:36,39,42,44
-On the cross:Luke 23:24
-At Emmaus:Luke 24:30