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New Testament Survey

4. Warning against missing God's rest: Hebrews 4:1-13
a. The warning: Hebrews 4:1-2
b. Rest: Hebrews 4:3-5
c. Unrest: 4:6-8
d. The rest of God: Hebrews 4:9-11
e. Confirmation of warning by God's Word and knowledge: Hebrews 4:12-13

IV. A superior priesthood. Jesus is superior to Aaron: Hebrews 4:14-7:28

A. Jesus is the great high priest: Hebrews 4:14-16
B. The priesthood of Aaron: Hebrews 5:1-4
C. The priesthood of Jesus: Hebrews 5:5-10
D. (Third) Warning passage: 5:11-6:20
1. Rebuke for spiritual immaturity: Hebrews 5:11-14
2. Encouragement toward spiritual maturity: Hebrews 6:1-3
a. Progress beyond foundational principles: Hebrews 6:1-2
(1) Repentance from dead works: Hebrews 6:1
(2) Faith toward God: Hebrews 6:1
(3) Doctrine of baptisms: Hebrews 6:2
(4) Laying on of hands: Hebrews 6:2
(5) Resurrection of the dead: Hebrews 6:2
(6) Eternal judgment: Hebrews 6:2
b. Go on to perfection: Hebrews 6:1,3
3. Warning against the consequences of apostasy: Hebrews 6:4-8
a. Apostasy explained: Hebrews 6:4-6
b. The consequences of apostasy: Hebrews 6:4,6
c. The reason for the consequences: Hebrews 6:6
d. An illustration from nature: Hebrews 6:7-8
4. Reminder of the certainty of God's promises: Hebrews 6:9-20
a. The persuasion: Hebrews 6:9
b. The faithfulness of God: Hebrews 6:10
c. The response of believers: Hebrews 6:11-12
d. An example of the certainty of God's promises: Hebrews 6:13-20
(l) Abraham: Hebrews 6:13-15
(2) The oath: Hebrews 6:16-17
(3) Assurance of God's faithfulness to His Word: Hebrews 6:18-20
E. The priesthood of Melchizedek: Hebrews 7:1-28
1. General description: Hebrews 7:1-3
2. Melchizedek and Abraham: Hebrews 7:4-10
3. The Levitical priesthood: Hebrews 7:11-13
4. The new priesthood: Hebrews 7:14-17
5. Priesthood under the law: Hebrews 7:18-21
6. Priesthood under the new covenant: Hebrews 7:22-27
7. Summary of the teaching: Hebrews 7:28