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New Testament Survey

B. To the elect scattered throughout: I Peter 1:1
1. Pontus.
2. Galatia.
3. Cappadocia.
4. Asia.
5. Bithynia.

II. Comfort and reassurance in suffering: I Peter 1:3-25

A. Reassurance in the facts of the Gospel: I Peter 1:3-12
1. The source of salvation: I Peter 1:3
a. Elected by God the Father.
b. Redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ.
c. Sanctified by the Spirit.
2. The description of salvation: I Peter 1:3-5
a. A lively hope: I Peter 1:3
b. An incorruptible inheritance: I Peter 1:4
c. Undefiled: I Peter 1:4
d. Fadeth not away (eternal): I Peter 1:4
e. Reserved in Heaven for those kept by the power of God through

faith unto salvation: I Peter 1:5

B. Reassurance based on the benefits of suffering: I Peter 1:6-12
1. Joy in spite of temptations: I Peter 1:6
2. Praise, honor, and glory: I Peter 1:7
3. Joy based on relationship to Jesus, not on outward circumstances of life: I Peter 1:8
4. Assurance of the faith: Salvation of the soul: I Peter 1:9-12
a. Sought by the prophets: I Peter 1:9-10
b. Their source: Christ: I Peter 1:11
c. Their summary: I Peter 1:11-12
(1) They predicted His first coming and suffering: I Peter 1:11
(2) They predicted His second coming and the glory that

should follow: I Peter 1:11

d. Sought by the angels: I Peter 1:12
C. Reassurance based on a proper response to suffering: I Peter 1:14-17
1. Gird up the loins of your mind: I Peter 1:13
2. Be sober: I Peter 1:13
3. Hope to the end for the grace at the revelation of Jesus Christ: I Peter 1:13
4. Respond as obedient children: I Peter 1:14
5. Do not fashion yourself according to former lusts: I Peter 1:14
6. Be holy, as He which hath called you is holy: I Peter 1:15-16
7. Lead respectful, productive lives: I Peter 1:17
D. Reassurance based on redemption: I Peter 1:18-25
1. We were not redeemed with corruptible things: I Peter 1:18
2. We were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ: I Peter 1:19-20
3. Assurance in times of suffering is based on our redeemed relationship

with Him: I Peter 1:21-23

4. This assurance of redemption is based on His Word, which endures

forever and is the basis of the Gospel: I Peter 1:24-25