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New Testament Survey

B. Serving as servants: Both young and old: I Peter 5:5-7
1. Younger submit to elder: I Peter 5:5
2. Each be subject to other: I Peter 5:5
3. Be humble: I Peter 5:5-6
a. God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble: I Peter 5:5
b. If we are humble, we will be exalted: I Peter 5:6
4. Cast all care on Him because He cares for you: I Peter 5:7
C. Serving as a soldier: I Peter 5:8-9
1. The Enemy: The Devil, as a roaring lion, who seeks to devour: I Peter 5:8
2. The soldier's attitudes: I Peter 5:8
a. We should be sober: I Peter 5:8
b. We should be vigilant: I Peter 5:8
3. Strategy against the enemy: I Peter 5:9
a. We should resist in the faith: I Peter 5:9
b. Recognize we are not alone: The same afflictions are common

among brethren in the world: I Peter 5:9

VII. Conclusion: I Peter 5:10-14

A. Benediction: I Peter 5:10-11
1. The benefits of suffering in Jesus. You will be: I Peter 5:10
a. Perfected.
b. Established.
c. Strengthened.
d. Settled.
2. To God be glory and dominion for ever: I Peter 5:11
B. Personal greetings: I Peter 5:12-14
1. Silvanus: I Peter 5:12
2. The church at Babylon: I Peter 5:13
3. Marcus, my son: I Peter 5:13
4. Greet one another with a kiss: I Peter 5:14
5. A final blessing of peace to those in Jesus: I Peter 5:14